A totally new way of showing information! It is now possible to click on a meeting room in Workplace Central and see extended information about that specific room.
Workplace Central provides an overview of all meetings happening in an organization, related meeting rooms, attached catering and services, notes, attendees, etc., presented in a simple and customizable calendar-like view.
Having information about a meeting room's capacity, purposes, and equipment avail
able with only one click can make the process of moving a meeting from one room to another easier. It can be a struggle to remember how many people fit into each meeting room, which rooms have video equipment, and what was the name of the external client rooms.
Having all this information available with only one click will make it easier to find the right room if you need to reschedule a meeting.

The extended information about the meeting rooms is not only available from the main overview of Workplace Central, but it is also shown when you click a meeting room on a meeting card. The extended view shown on a meeting card further provides information about catering and additional services requested for the meeting room. When
managing complex meetings, having all additional meeting information like catering is valuable because, typically, one or more location or meeting room is attached to the meeting.
... and a little teaser... the popular
"more information" link, as you know from the meeting rooms in the Booking Add-in in Outlook, will soon be available in the extended view of meeting rooms in Workplace Central.