With AskCody Insights you get to see data on meetings and how rooms are being used, allowing you to understand booking patterns and improve the utilization of your office spaces.
And now you can do even more.
We recently added data on Visitors and Meeting Services to Insights, too, making it easier to get an overview of how your Reception and Service Providers are performing, how many guests, checks in, and how many service requests are being managed.
With Insights on Visitors and Services, Office Admins can now get valuable data, making it easier to streamline the meeting booking process from the guest's arrival till they leave after the meeting, and have data to optimize the meeting journey.
Try the new Insights module for the EU or US now by login in to your AskCody Portal.
A quick walkthrough of your improved Insights
How Insights on Visitors and Services helps you
We've updated your Insights module to give valuable data to Office Admins, Conference Services Managers, and IT Managers helping them create impactful business initiatives, driving changes, and improvements. With Insights, they now get a complete overview of how Services and Visitors are being handled in your organization, too, combined with room bookings and utilization of your meeting space.
This could be data points like:
- Are employees well adopted to using the AskCody add-ins?
- Are service requests being canceled by employees or rejected by the service provider?
- Are receptionists spending time registering guests or are meeting planners good at pre-registering visitors in Outlook (creating a better experience for visitors)?
Export or show Insights report on utilization
From within AskCody Insights, you can even easily export reports with data on Bookings, Services, and Visitors, meaning for more advanced reporting and deeper insights, you can export to Excel or CSV, to customize reports. You can also show a table of specific data making it easier to highlight and sort the data important for your organization.
Taking decisions based on data, rather than gut feeling. Insights becoming actionable.
With the latest update to Insights, we added tracking to our Insights module, so you can easily track the progress and compare data between months and periods.
Our goal with the improved Insights module is to make your workplace's data easy to access, use, and understand. You should be able to easily discover the right actions that can improve your processes when it comes to managing Meetings, Services, and Visitors.
Try it out and let us know what you think
You can access AskCody Insights, only if you have the Insights Portal User access. Learn more about roles here. If you have the required access, we encourage you to try out the new Insights module for EU or US now.
Please let us know what you think! You are more than welcome to share your feedback with us.