On March 14th, 2019 the digital news site Computerworld published a story about AskCody's international expansion. The story was only featured in Danish, so you can get a recap of the story right here. In this interview you can read about AskCody's new capital boost and its international expansion. It began:
AskCody gains a two-digit million investment from a Danish capital fund. The money will boost the company's international expansion.
This is not the first time that the Danish fund Promentum Equity Partners invests in AskCody. Actually, Promentum Equity Partners also invested a two-digit million investment in AskCody back in 2017. AskCody has during the last couple of years had multiple big capital injections. Just last year the company also got 10 million DKK from the Danish fund 'Vækstfonden' and the Danish financial service 'Nordjyske Bank'.
AskCody software is already utilized broadly both in Europe, USA, and Canada, and the newest investment will be the means to expand even further internationally.
Allan Mørch, CEO & Founder, AskCody explains that the goal is to gain a two-digit revenue growth in the next three years to come. He explains:
"We are very humble about the confidence the investors show us. Thus, we will take great care of the money with a brilliant strategy for how we continue and expand growth. Meetings are part of every company across the world, and even though we do not wish to be something for all of them, we do have an enormous growth potential, which we are currently fulfilling."
Allan Mørch, CEO & Founder, AskCody
You can read the whole story by journalist Jacob Ø. Wittorff in Danish here.