To design the smartest office environment, you need to add functions that make daily life at the office as frictionless as possible. Here room displays can be an immense help for you, co-workers, and visitors.
What is a room display?
A room display is a digital touchscreen that is placed just outside a meeting room or conference room. Often it will be mounted directly on the wall or the glass window just outside the room at the room entrance. The display will commonly present some or all these possibilities:
- The name of the room.
- If the room is free or not.
- Upcoming meetings in the room including who has booked and who is attending.
- The ability to book the room immediately at the entrance.
- The capability to extend and end the meeting.
- Send fault reporting (e.g. technical issues with presentation equipment) to your service desk system.
- Some displays even have an additional built-in green/red background lighting to make it easy to see from a distance if a room is available or not.
This type of equipment is consisting of the display hardware and some special software running on the displays. The functionality is based on what the hardware and the software can do in combination.
What are the advantages of meeting room displays?
With these displays you make it easy for your co-workers to find an unoccupied meeting room. The biggest advantage of the conference room schedule displays is, therefore, to make bookings quick and to limit delays and booking mistakes.
You can read much more about the advantages here.
What types of hardware can be used?
You can divide the category into two large segments:
- Generic commercial-grade hardware
- Professional-grade hardware
The first category is typically represented by Apple iPads or affordable Android tablets. The biggest advantage of this type of device is affordability. The disadvantage can be more time needed to have the devices running 24/7.
The second category is typically devices from suppliers like Glorystar, LG, Philips, or Creston meeting room displays. The displays are built for this specific purpose and are built to be running for long times without needed service.
You can learn more about what hardware AskCody recommend at our Help Center and more about the associated AskCody software here.