Is it the faint smell of coffee, the white noise of colleagues slamming away on their keyboards, or a chat at the coffee machine... what do we miss the most about the office? Definitely not the the challenge of finding a parking spot... or traffic....
Maybe not surprisingly, after a year of social isolation, recent studies have shown that what we miss most about the office is the people, our colleagues. Yes, also the one firing bad dad-jokes all the time or the one that is always 5 minutes late for meetings. We look forward meeting all of them again, it is top of mind and discussed nearly every time we interact with our customers.
And with that joyful moment approaching, there are many questions to be answered. We gathered some of our most asked questions and answers for everyone responsible for or interested in the return to their offices in 2021:
1. How has Covid-19 changed the way we work?
How will the habits, limitations and opportunities we as employees and companies have experienced during the pandemic shape the way we work and use our offices?
2. What will the office look like when we return?
What is it that will change and what are the drivers of this? Why will things not just go back to how they were before?
3. How do AskCody customers see the use of offices post-Covid-19?
Luke Schnoebelen from law-firm Shook shared his view during an open mic in one of our webinars. We think he is on to something an would like to share this view with you.
4. How can you use AskCody's platform to facilitate a safe return to the office?
This is a list with some practical tips on using your AskCody platform to prepare for the “Post COVID-19” workplace and get into the mindset of securing your office space and making all your employees and visitors feel safe in your environment.
5. Why are Desk and Meeting Room Management key for your return?
Lars Ørhøj Lauridsen describes our customers' experiences in this pandemic and how they work through the needed restrictions and compliances during Covid-19 and when preparing the return to your office.